New Programming Changes For Fall 2024
TinyMites, MiniMite and DynaMite age groups will practice once a week under the direction of a DEFC staff coach with the help of volunteer parents.
Coaches for teams U8 and above can decide to hold practices once or twice a week.
Parents that volunteer to coach will be given preference on practice days and locations as available.
This is a 7-week program with sessions on Saturdays starting 9/14 going through 11/2. There is no session on 10/12.
MiniMites & DynaMites
This is a 7-week program with sessions on Saturdays starting 9/14 going through 11/2. There is no session on 10/12.
U8 & U10
Practices start the week of September 9th. Games are on Saturdays starting 9/14. Last game is 10/26
U12 & Older
For U12 and above teams participating in the DYSA league practice start the week of 9/2. Games will be every Saturday starting 9/7 and going through 10/26.
For U12 teams playing in-house, the first games will be on 9/14
(The Outreach Program for Soccer) is a community-based training and team placement program for young athletes with disabilities sponsored by US Youth Soccer. The program is designed to bring the opportunity of learning and playing soccer to any boy or girl, age 4-19, who has a cognitive or physical disability.
For more information on TOPSoccer CLICK HERE!
Season Details
TOPSoccer meets every Saturday during the Fall season. Dates will be announced shortly. Session times for the Fall 2022 season will be announced shortly.
Fall Game Schedules
(Click on your age group below)
Boys (U8) -
Girls (U8) -
Boys (U10) -
Girls (U10) -
Boys (12) -
DYSA Inter-club League Schedules (U12 Girls, U14 Boys, U14 Girls, HS Girls) -
FALL PICTURE DAY SCHEDULE - October 5th! Schedule available late September
Picture pre-order form - Coming Soon
Click on the links below:
MiniMites and DynaMites - MM/DM Play Day Rules and Guidelines
U8 Boys and Girls - U8 Game Day Rules and Guidlines
U10 Boys and Girls - U10 Game Day Rules and Guidelines
U12, U14 Boys and Girls and High School - DYSA Inter Club League Rules
U8 and older order uniforms online through DEFC - CLICK HERE FOR ORDERING INFORMATION
MiniMites, Dynamites and TinyMites are provided t-shirts.
Soccer cleats are recommended.
Shin guards are required.
Soccer ball - sizes:
TinyMites, MiniMites, DynaMites, U8 - Size 3
U10, U12 - Size 4
U14 and up - Size 5
NO JEWELRY, no hard hair barrettes, no toe cleats, no casts.